
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Medicine Considerations: Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Thyroid

Q. I have a diabetic heart. I had a mild heart attack 2 years ago. Since that time, I was in a regular exercise routine, alternating cardio and weight training 5 to 7 days per week. Currently I am counting the carbohydrates and insulin that I intake. I use an insulin pump, so I have total freedom in my dosing routine. I'm 52 years old, 6 feet tall and weigh 215kgs. In the past 18 months, I gained 20 pounds and I want to lose it. Will this program work for me?
A .It's great that you are already lifting weights, doing cardio and watching your diet. The Burn the Fat program does not necessarily suit everyone’s conditions. You should always consult your doctor before you exercise or take on a diet program, especially when it is for clinical or medical reasons.
The introduction of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM) eBook, was written for one purpose only, and that purpose is too...
"To help people with no medical conditions or health problems to achieve their fitness goals and body compositions (fat loss and muscle gain) through nutrition, exercise, and mental 
                                                                                     focus" .
I am not a dietician or a medical doctor; I am a health, fitness, and personal-success coach. I am not qualified to give advice on medical issues.
BFFM has already received the "thumbs up" by dieticians, exercise physiologists, and several doctors who have used the program themselves, and almost all the health professionals agree that the BFFM ‘s "basic guide plan" and the BFFM exercise guidelines are a very useful tools, designed to keep fit and lean for life.
However, the Burn the Fat program was not designed to meet the special needs of people with diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disorders, or medical and metabolic conditions.
The purpose of my program is not to use food and nutrition to control the metabolic disorders and diseases which can be a very complex science.
Even if you benefit from a wealth of information on this book (and every living person will benefit from information on the objectives, psychology, motivation and your self-image, because it applies to all areas of life), you should always check with your physician or a professional nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or exercise programs.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When will this all happen?

How long can I expect to lose weight on your Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program?
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a fat loss program, not a weight loss program. It is not just a pun, it's a very important concept to understand if you ever want to lose weight and keep it permanently.
Losing weight too fast is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make, because rapid weight loss slows your metabolism and causes muscle loss. You can get instant gratification in rapid weight loss programs, but in the long term, it damages the metabolism and almost always comes back (95% of people who lose weight on any conventional diets gains all of the weight back!)
In the Burn the Fat program, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds of pure fat per week. (This is the body fat, not water weight or muscle tissue.) How do you know that is pure fat? Simple - you will test your body composition on a regular basis as you progress through the program.
If you have a lot of weight to lose, for example, if you have 250-300kg of weight, then 1% of total body weight per week (2.5-3.0 kg) is safe and realistic, because fat loss is often a function of the growing muscles. We use a stable long-term fat loss program to calculate the loss of your water weight and you can test this the first week or two (which is very common, but remember, the original water weight loss is not the same as body fat loss!)
It will teach you how to get your body fat percentage measured with precision and reliability. You may even learn a simple method to quickly and easily test your own body fat at home with amazing accuracy, if you do not have access to professional test.
Do not fall for the common scams that claim you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days or lose 10 pounds this weekend. Anything more than two pounds per week (or 1% of total body weight, whichever is greater) are almost always the weight of water or your lean muscle tissue. Burn the Fat is not a fad diet or a rapid weight loss scam. You will not find quick fixes to this program. It requires a change of lifestyle, exercise, good nutrition and a little patience. However, your reward is worth it: You’ll keep all your muscles, lose nothing, but pure fat; fat that will never come back!
If you are looking for a weight loss crash, this is not the program for you. Go try all others first, if you must, but once you get all that weight back, (and chances are a 100 to 1 against you, you will get it all back), remember this... Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.

What exactly is this product?

Q. What exactly is this product? Is it an eBook with training programs or routines? Does it have pictures of the exercises? Is it a diet book? Is it a recipe book or list of foods to eat and not eat? I have a hard time keeping on diets that are too strict. I’ve tried eating egg whites every morning, and at lunch, tuna from the tin and plain chicken breasts for dinner, and protein shakes at night - I've tried diets like these before, but I can’t stick to them. I watched your fat loss testimonials on the home page and I am very interested, but can you give me more details about the program?
A. Thank you for that question! I'll responded to it below:

This is an information packed, full-length eBook
First of all, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a very informative eBook. Many people call it the "Nutrition Fat Loss Bible." Many eBooks these days cost as much as $77, which often contains only 50-70 pages. Burn the Fat is a true full-length book (with 340 pages), in digital-PDF-eBook-format.
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is very comprehensive and quite detailed. If you want to know why you're doing something instead of being told what to do, you‘ll definitely appreciate the details in 300 pages. If you want to have structure, and if you’re a person who pays attention to detail, then Burn the Fat is ideal for you (which is probably why the engineers, accountants, lovers of mathematics and other people of an analysis occupations always seemed to like the  Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.)
The whole eBook is in text, with the exception of the annex containing diagrams of calories and nutritional content of recommended foods, protein, fat and carbohydrate tables, sample menus and a progress chart.
You will learn exactly what foods are best for burning fat
The book gives a separate chapter dedicated to each macro-nutrient: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. You get the exact list of foods you should eat and foods to avoid. (We have three Bonus Reports; Foods that Burn Fat, and Foods that turn to Fat, and The A Foods, B Food Lecture goes into more detail on food choices).
You won’t be eating strange or unusual foods on this program. This is a “clean, basic, healthy eating plan”. These foods can be obtained at your local grocery store, and the variety is almost endless, so you can feel free when it comes to food choices.
No supplements or beverages are required (although you can use meal replacements or protein shakes for convenience, if you choose). You do not need to eat something you dislike, but you must eat healthy foods and natural most of the time (a few sub-standard meals are permitted if “no foods” are totally out of the question!)
The principles in the book are based on the same methods used by athletes (bodybuilding, fitness, figure), which are the leanest, muscular athletes in the world. The techniques we use were tested in the real world for decades.
But even if the book was written by a bodybuilder, this is not just for bodybuilders. These techniques can be used by anyone to maximize their fat burning.
It’s not a traditional diet book
In Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, you will learn exactly what to eat to lose fat and build muscle. This is not a cookbook.
The usual diet book that is available in bookstores these days is about a third or half the information and with a half or two-third income. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is 100% information, at an affordable price. It’s the only valuable content available, that’s designed to give educational tips that will help you lose fat!
Training programs to burn fat and build lean muscle mass
There is a whole chapter on cardio for fat loss, including types of exercise recommended, and the ideal frequency, intensity and duration of your workout. Cardio workouts can include both the traditional heart training, and high intensity interval training (HIIT).
There are four complete routines of strength training for beginners to advanced, including "aggressive" workouts that require a minimum of 2-3 days per week, for time-crunched people.
The programs are developed on the basis of bodybuilding and the fitness/figure model methods of training, which are designed to sculpture a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing physique. The workouts will get you in shape, but they are not designed for sports training alone (these exercises are designed to make you look really good!)
You don’t need to join a gym to follow this program, although you do need some weight-lifting equipment for your training - at least one set of dumbbells, barbells and weights – all this is necessary to obtain maximum benefit. As you become more advanced, you may want to join a gym or add additional equipment for your home gym set up.
(Optional): Follow your own workout and use the Burn the Fat Nutrition Program
NOTE: I’ve found that many people already have their favourite workouts, but are lost with regards to nutrition. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is so easy-going in its 4 element- structure (mental training, cardio, weight training and nutrition), that you can model your own routine.
For example, you can follow your own favourite training program and just use the nutrition program of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. The Burn the Fat nutritional section works with any exercise routine, as long as it is one which includes resistance training.
No pictures?
Some books have been adapted for photographic guides to the exercise routines, and for many people this kind of picture book can be very valuable. However, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a descriptive manual, not a picture book. This program assumes you already know the basic movements in weight training like a dumbbell curl, or how to perform a lunge or execute a bench press exercise.
Powerful Motivation and Objective Techniques explained
No other nutritional diet plan or fitness guide goes into the details of mental training techniques for setting goals, ending self-procrastination, and increasing your motivation that will strengthen you to follow-through with the program. It will teach you the exact methods that Olympic athletes use when training for peak-performance.
In the first chapter of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, you will learn dozens of helpful tips, with practical goals, and motivational techniques which not only inform and inspire you, but will be applied to what you’ve learnt so that you can develop healthy habits that you may abide with for life.
Remember that, even if you already know what to do, you still got to get going! In Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, you will not only discover for yourself the huge results, but you’ll also have the motivational tools you need to stick to your new habits.