
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

When will this all happen?

How long can I expect to lose weight on your Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle program?
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a fat loss program, not a weight loss program. It is not just a pun, it's a very important concept to understand if you ever want to lose weight and keep it permanently.
Losing weight too fast is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make, because rapid weight loss slows your metabolism and causes muscle loss. You can get instant gratification in rapid weight loss programs, but in the long term, it damages the metabolism and almost always comes back (95% of people who lose weight on any conventional diets gains all of the weight back!)
In the Burn the Fat program, you can expect to lose about 2 pounds of pure fat per week. (This is the body fat, not water weight or muscle tissue.) How do you know that is pure fat? Simple - you will test your body composition on a regular basis as you progress through the program.
If you have a lot of weight to lose, for example, if you have 250-300kg of weight, then 1% of total body weight per week (2.5-3.0 kg) is safe and realistic, because fat loss is often a function of the growing muscles. We use a stable long-term fat loss program to calculate the loss of your water weight and you can test this the first week or two (which is very common, but remember, the original water weight loss is not the same as body fat loss!)
It will teach you how to get your body fat percentage measured with precision and reliability. You may even learn a simple method to quickly and easily test your own body fat at home with amazing accuracy, if you do not have access to professional test.
Do not fall for the common scams that claim you can lose 30 pounds in 30 days or lose 10 pounds this weekend. Anything more than two pounds per week (or 1% of total body weight, whichever is greater) are almost always the weight of water or your lean muscle tissue. Burn the Fat is not a fad diet or a rapid weight loss scam. You will not find quick fixes to this program. It requires a change of lifestyle, exercise, good nutrition and a little patience. However, your reward is worth it: You’ll keep all your muscles, lose nothing, but pure fat; fat that will never come back!
If you are looking for a weight loss crash, this is not the program for you. Go try all others first, if you must, but once you get all that weight back, (and chances are a 100 to 1 against you, you will get it all back), remember this... Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.


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